It’s official! The 2022 Ocean season has been set for the west coast and if you were a fan of last year, which I think everyone that likes catching salmon was, this is shaping up to be another banner year. In Pacific City the first season will begin June 18th and run through August 21st with a quota of 100,000 clipped coho. The second non-selective season will run from September 3rd through the 30th or until the quota of 17,000 fish are caught.

This fishery is a must do with a fly rod. Coho are super aggressive to bucktail or cast fly’s as they look to pack on weight before the spawning journey. Once they grab the fly they’re known for acrobatic tail walks across the water, leaving anglers with screaming reals and the sight of silver streaks on the horizon.
Book today to ensure you don’t miss your opportunity to target these amazing gamefish this summer.