Pacific City Dory
Pacific City Dory

Pacific City Dory

If you’ve spent any time around me you know that one thing I like almost as much as fly fishing is boats. Especially wooden boats, and even more so if the wooden boat is one I’ve had a part in building. The first family boat, and one of my favorites to discuss is the Pacific City Dory. Growing up the first dory we owned was a 1960 Calkins Craft Double Ender. It was a sea worthy dory and the boat I learned how to navigate the surrounding waters of Pacific City in. We have many great memories in the Sea Breeze and I’m proud to say she remains in great shape and a part of the Perkin family today.

A few years ago we decided it was time to retire the Sea Breeze as the primary summer fishing boat and purchase something a little newer with range that potentially allowed us to fish for Tuna on decent days. My brother and I purchased a 1973 Harvey with good power and a solid hull. I have always dreamed of building a dory of our own, but it wasn’t a good time and the space required for the project is difficult to find. The Double Haul checked a lot of boxes and gave us a way to experience waters further offshore, including TUNA!

The Double Haul has been a great boat but I just wasn’t able to shake the desire to build a dory with Erin. A boat from wood we hand selected, a custom hull with features specific to what we’re looking for. I’m excited to share that earlier this month we began the journey of building our own custom dory. We’re working to have the boat completed by the middle of June so stay tuned as we share more pics and details of our build over the next month.