Early Ocean Forecast for Coho Looks Good
Early Ocean Forecast for Coho Looks Good

Early Ocean Forecast for Coho Looks Good

The PFMC is wrapping up meetings this week and if the forecast from ODFW and PFMC is correct we’re in for the best run of Silvers in at least the last five years. The preliminary estimates are for over 1.7 million coho to return to the Columbia river and the Oregon Coast. PFMC is meeting this week to finalize the season and set regulations, but with the forecast we can expect a good amount of time from around the end of June to the first of September to target these fish. There are a few different options for the season that are up for consideration. You can view those here.

If you haven’t tried chasing these beautiful fish with a fly rod on the ocean it’s not too late. Contact me today to get on the list!